Press release – February 2021
Luos raises 1.2 million euros and opens the heart of its embedded technology in open source !
Three years after its launch, the deeptech Luos announces a first round of fundraising of 1.2 million euros completed with Aquiti Gestion, Skalepark, Foreis, Bpifrance, Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, Airbus Développement and Michelin Développement. A new key step that will allow the start-up supported by ADI and Unitec to democratize its embedded open source technology in France, to double its workforce and to export its philosophy and methodology to the United States, Germany and Spain, Japan and South Korea. Luos’s ambition is to become a reflex for all embedded developers around the world !
A first in France for the embedded technologies sector.
Founded by Nicolas Rabault, Simon Baudry and Emanuel Allely, three thirty-something passionate about hardware and technology, the start-up has developed a software architecture making it possible to design, test and effectively deploy embedded applications (electronic systems located inside equipment). In short, Luos freely provides to embedded developers, CTOs and innovation departments, a modular methodology to simplify the creation and sharing of software containers and APIs (Application Programming Interface). In other words, Luos encapsulates hardware and software functions as microservices so that each electronic device has a set of functions that communicate and recognize each other, but remain independent of each other.
The advantages are multiple! First, it allows users to evolve their products by function, without worrying about how they communicate. Secondly, Luos also simplifies the creation of options and product lines, and therefore allows developers/teams/companies to capitalize on past developments thanks to its hardware abstraction. And finally, it helps further segment teamwork. If the concept of microservices is already democratized and has already proven itself in the web world, it is very innovative in the embedded system environment.
“We want the development of embedded systems to become as flexible, scalable and accessible as software and web development. Luos is the result of 10 years of R&D, especially in the INRIA Labs, and 10 successful industrial POCs. More than a technology that allows the creation of embedded bricks, it is really a methodology based on modularity that we have designed. It was essential for us to make it open source to meet the needs of our users and to democratize this new way of imagining products.” Nicolas Rabault, Co-founder and CEO of Luos.
Luos is recruiting 10 profiles, strengthening its presence in France and expanding in the United States, Germany, Spain, Japan and South Korea.
The solution proposed by Luos first of all attracted the sectors of new mobility, smart household appliances and service robotics, by perfectly meeting the constraints of costs, space and computing power encountered. The start-up works alongside 3DiTex, Cala, Nimbl’Bot and Pollen Robotics in particular. In recent months, it has also been approached by the aeronautics, aerospace, industrial robotics, and IoT sectors. A marked enthusiasm, which continues to democratize this new deeptech technology in France, and is already of interest to businesses across the Atlantic.
To continue its development, Luos is opening 10 positions in 2021, thus doubling its workforce, with technical, sales, marketing and customer success profiles. An evolution at the heart of the teams to support the deployment of the offer in countries with a strong appeal to the entire Embedded Systems universe: United States, Germany, Spain, Japan and South Korea.
“We were convinced by the complementarity and dynamism of the trio of founders and by the promise of Luos technology. We are very proud to support this deep tech start-up which has all the assets to become a standard in on-board electronics.” Camille Le Roux Larsabal, Director of Investments at Aquiti Gestion
“Foreis is very proud to contribute to the development of Luos, a promising venture in software components allowing quick and robust design and industrialization of embedded electronics, which will contribute to create innovation and employment in France in the high tech semiconductors industry.” Jean-Yves Muller, President at Foreis
« We have been won over by the dynamism and ambition of the LUOS team, and we are convinced that the solutions they develop will revolutionize the way of designing new electronic, maintainable and scalable products. We hope to be able to use our expertise and experience, and are proud to contribute to the development of this great startup. » Jean-François Clédel (Chairman) and Yvan Cantou (CEO), SkalePark.
About Luos
Date of creation: 2018
Founders: Nicolas Rabault (CEO), Simon Baudry (Customer success et admin), Emanuel Allely (COO)
Headquarters: Bordeaux, France
Staff: 8 collaborators
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Press Contact
Madame de la Com’ – Aurore Vinzerich – – +33 06 61 45 51 83